5G Core Simulator

5G Core Simulator

In contemporary years, there are several project ideas emerging in the domain of 5G network. But, some are determined as efficient and suitable for a 5G core simulator. The following are few project plans for a 5G core simulator:

  1. 5G Core Network Slicing Simulation
  • Explanation: For depicting in what way various slices can be enhanced for different application areas like mMTC (massive Machine Type Communication), eMBB (enhanced Mobile Broadband), and URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communication), aim to simulate network slicing in a 5G core network.
  • Tools: Docker, Python, OpenAirInterface, Kubernetes.
  1. 5G Core Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
  • Explanation: In order to virtualize network functions and assess its influence on network effectiveness and resource management, deploy NFV in a 5G core network.
  • Tools: Virtual Network Functions (VNFs), Wireshark, OpenStack, OpenDaylight.
  1. End-to-End 5G Core Network Simulation
  • Explanation: Encompassing the Session Management Function (SMF), Access and Mobility Management Function (AMF), and User Plane Function (UPF), focus on constructing an extensive simulator for an end-to-end 5G core network.
  • Tools: ns-3, Python, OpenAirInterface, Docker.
  1. 5G Core Network Security Simulation
  • Explanation: Typically, concentrating on securing from attacks like man-in-the-middle assaults, data violations, and DDoS assaults, it is appreciable to simulate safety criterions in the 5G core network.
  • Tools: Wireshark, Python, OpenAirInterface, Kali Linux.
  1. 5G Core Network Load Balancing
  • Explanation: Focus on creating a simulator to deploy and investigate load balancing policies in a 5G core network, thereby assuring effective resource consumption and high effectiveness.
  • Tools: Kubernetes, network simulation tools, OpenAirInterface, Python.
  1. 5G Core and Edge Computing Integration
  • Explanation: To decrease delay and enhance the effectiveness of time-sensitive applications, simulate the combination of edge computing together with the 5G core network.
  • Tools: Docker, OpenAirInterface, Kubernetes, EdgeX Foundry.
  1. 5G Core Network Performance Analysis
  • Explanation: A simulator has to be developed in such a manner to examine the effectiveness of various 5G core network operations under different network situations and congestion loads.
  • Tools: OpenAirInterface, Python, ns-3, MATLAB.
  1. 5G Core Network Automation
  • Explanation: It is approachable to deploy automation in a 5G core network in order to handle network functions, fault identification, and resource allotment through the utilization of machine learning and AI approaches.
  • Tools: Kubernetes, OpenAirInterface, TensorFlow, Docker.
  1. 5G Core Network Orchestration
  • Explanation: To arrange various 5G core network operations, construct a simulator. By employing tools such as ONAP (Open Network Automation Platform), aim to handle the lifecycle of network services.
  • Tools: Kubernetes, Python, ONAP, Docker.
  1. 5G Core Network Service-Based Architecture (SBA) Simulation
  • Explanation: Concentrating on the communications among various network operations and deployments of network services, simulate the service-related infrastructure of the 5G core network.
  • Tools: Docker, network simulation tools, OpenAirInterface, Python.
  1. 5G Core Network Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)
  • Explanation: For investigating in what way MEC is able to improve application effectiveness and decrease delay, focus on constructing a simulator to combine MEC along with the 5G core network.
  • Tools: OpenAirInterface, Kubernetes, MEC frameworks, Docker.
  1. 5G Core Network Slicing for IoT Applications
  • Explanation: Specifically, for assuring improved resource allotment and effectiveness for various IoT application areas, simulate network slicing mainly for IoT applications.
  • Tools: ns-3, Docker, OpenAirInterface, Python.
  1. 5G Core Network Analytics
  • Explanation: Through utilizing big data approaches to track, examine, and forecast network activities, apply a simulator to carry out analytics on the 5G core network.
  • Tools: Spark, OpenAirInterface, Hadoop, Python.
  1. 5G Core Network Protocol Testing
  • Explanation: Generally, for assuring adherence with 3GPP principles, aim to create a simulator to assess and verify different protocols that are utilized in the 5G core network.
  • Tools: ns-3, Python, OpenAirInterface, Wireshark.
  1. 5G Core Network Interoperability Testing
  • Explanation: Concentrating on consistent combination and function, simulate interoperability among various provider’s 5G core network elements.
  • Tools: Docker, Python, OpenAirInterface, Kubernetes.

Offering chances to investigate the modern mechanisms, enhance network effectiveness, and solve actual-time limitations in telecommunications, these project plans involve different factors of the 5G core network.

What are the problems with network slicing?

A major characteristic of 5G networks is the network slicing. Appropriate to certain necessities of various applications and services, it facilitates the development of numerous virtual networks on a shared physical architecture. The process of deploying network slicing associates with numerous issues and limitations:

  1. Complexity in Management and Orchestration
  • Challenge: The major problem is the process of handling and arranging numerous network slices among a shared architecture. Generally, various effectiveness, protection, and service necessities might be contained by every slice.
  • Impacts: The complications in assuring consistent and coherent service delivery, enhanced functional expenses and limitations in sustaining service level agreements (SLAs) are resulted by this difficulty.
  1. Resource Allocation and Isolation
  • Challenge: When assuring segregation and preventing interruption, the way of allotting sources such as storage, bandwidth, compute to various slices in an effective manner is determined as the main issue.
  • Impacts: Minimal effectiveness, decreased quality of service (QoS) are resulted due to inadequate resource allotment. Because of resource disputation, possible safety risks might occur.
  1. Security Concerns
  • Challenge: As every slice might contain various safety strategies and necessities, assuring safety among numerous slices is problematic.
  • Impacts: When suitable segregation and safety criterions are not available, a violation in one slice could possibly influence other slices. Therefore, the vulnerability of cyber assaults and violation of data are enhanced.
  1. Inter-slice Coordination
  • Challenge: Specifically, when slices are handled by various objects, organizing behaviours and assuring consistent interaction among various network slices can be determined as key issues.
  • Impacts: Complications in sustaining entire network effectiveness, service interruptions, and incapacities are resulted due to insufficient suitable organization.
  1. Scalability Issues
  • Challenge: The main problem is the procedure of scaling network slices dynamically to align varying requirements when sustaining consistency and effectiveness.
  • Impacts: Enhanced delay, incapability to manage high traffic loads in an efficient manner, and service destruction could be caused because of insufficient scalability.
  1. Standardization and Interoperability
  • Challenge: Network slicing among various providers and environments creates limitations related to interoperability as the result of insufficient standardized protocols and models.
  • Impacts: Complications in combining multi-vendor approaches, provider blockage, and limitations in implementing universal, interoperable network slicing approaches are produced by this problem.
  1. Cost and Economic Viability
  • Challenge: Major investment is needed in architecture, technology, and expertized staff, when deploying network slicing.
  • Impacts: Mainly, for smaller network functions and service suppliers, high expenses can be a challenge to implementation, thereby influencing the entire feasibility of network slicing.
  1. Performance Monitoring and Assurance
  • Challenge: The process of constantly tracking the effectiveness of numerous slices and assuring that they align the needed SLAs is examined as the main problem.
  • Impacts: Unidentified service problems, consumer discontent, and possible SLA breaches could occur due to insufficient tracking of performance.
  1. Dynamic and Heterogeneous Environments
  • Challenge: The key problem is, by means of differing network situations and user necessities, network slices must function in dynamic and heterogeneous platforms.
  • Impacts: Normally, complication and functional limitations are enhanced as the result of assuring coherent effectiveness and consistency among various platforms.
  1. Integration with Legacy Systems
  • Challenge: Because of varying infrastructures and compatibility problems, the way of combing network slicing along with previous legacy frameworks and architecture can be problematic.
  • Impacts: Typically, enhanced complication, higher expenses, and possible service interruptions at the integration procedure are caused because of this problem.
5G Core Simulator Topics

5g Core Simulator Project Ideas

Below are a few noteworthy 5G Core Simulator Project Ideas that we specialize in. Should you have any uncertainties, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We offer innovative guidance and ensure timely submission. Our team of globally certified writers guarantees plagiarism-free work.

  1. An Authentication Scheme to Defend Against UDP DrDoS Attacks in 5G Networks
  2. Novel Out-of-Band mmWave Layer 2 Protocol for 5G Network-Based Downlink IAB SDR Platform
  3. Performance Analysis of Clustering Algorithms for Content-Sharing Based D2D Enabled 5G Networks
  4. Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) Networks: The IEEE TSN and IETF DetNet Standards and Related 5G ULL Research
  5. Edge Computing-Based Layered Video Streaming Over Integrated Satellite and Terrestrial 5G Networks
  6. A Novel DOA Estimation Method of Several Sources for 5G Networks
  7. Offline SLA-constrained deep learning for 5G networks reliable and dynamic end-to-end slicing
  8. A fully distributed satisfactory power control for QoS self-provisioning in 5G networks
  9. Association of networked flying platforms with small cells for network centric 5G+ C-RAN
  10. Performance analysis of Non-Standalone 5G network under different traffic models
  11. Content distribution over content centric mobile social networks in 5G
  12. DEFT: Multipath TCP for High Speed Low Latency Communications in 5G Networks
  13. A Network Selection Algorithm for supporting Drone Services in 5G Network Architectures
  14. Analysis of Strategies for Minimising End-to-End Latency in 5G Networks
  15. Concept design of three-dimensional modulation using beam hopping for 5G networks
  16. Dynamic strict fractional frequency reuse for software-defined 5G networks
  17. Spectrum sharing between 5G networks and fixed services operating in millimeter-waves
  18. Base Station handover Based on User Trajectory Prediction in 5G Networks
  19. Data Traffic Model in Machine to Machine Communications over 5G Network Slicing
  20. Performance analysis of a rate-adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme in 5G mobile networks
Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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