Cloud Computing Research Projects

Cloud Computing Research Projects

We will provide a concise explanation and also provide Cloud Computing Research Projects Topics & Ideas and use most recent algorithm. Our expertise lies in working on both the latest IEEE and non-IEEE projects, and we are also available to assist you with software installation. Encompassing the resource management, synthesization of emerging technologies, performance optimization and security, this project includes diverse perspectives of cloud computing:

  1. AI-Driven Cloud Resource Management


 On the basis of cloud platforms, enhance resource management by exploring the application of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning).

Main areas:

  • AI-based workload balancing.
  • Predictive resource allocation with the use of AI models.
  • Dynamic scaling of resources in terms of real-time requirements.


  • Literature Review: Conduct a research on modern AI algorithms which is deployed in cloud resource management.
  • Model Creation: For predictive resource utilization, machine learning frameworks should be created.
  • Deployment: Regarding the cloud simulation platform, execute a framework like CloudSim.
  • Assessment: As compared to conventional techniques, examine and assess the functionalities of AI-driven resource management.

Predicted Result:

Considering the cloud computing settings, the capability of AI in improving performance, optimizing resource allocation and decreasing costs could be determined.

  1. Cloud Security Framework for IoT Applications


 For the purpose of protecting IoT applications in cloud platforms, an effective security model has to be created.

Main areas:

  • IDPS (Intrusion detection and prevention systems) for IoT-cloud synthesization.
  • Authorization and access control technologies.
  • Data encryption and secure data transmission.


  • Security Requirements Analysis: The particular security requirements of IoT systems in the cloud should be detected.
  • Framework Pattern: For managing the data authorization, intrusion detection and security, develop an extensive security model.
  • Deployment: By using IoT simulation tools and CloudSim, execute the model.
  • Examination: Through simulated security assaults, the capacity of the model must be assessed.

Predicted Result:

In cloud settings, an extensive security model can be generated for assuring the accessibility, reliability and privacy of IoT applications.

  1. Performance Optimization in Multi-Cloud Environments


 Across diverse cloud providers, the performance of utilized applications is evaluated and enhanced.

Main areas:

  • Load balancing among various cloud environments.
  • Response time and network performance optimization.
  • Multi-cloud resource management.


  • Multi-Cloud setup: Use CloudSim to configure a multi-cloud simulation platform.
  • Algorithm Creation: Among several clouds, create efficient techniques for best resource utilization and load balancing.
  • Simulation: Based on diverse conditions, carry out performance simulations.
  • Analysis: With single cloud systems, the performance of multi-cloud configurations required to be contrasted.

Predicted Result:

Regarding multi-cloud settings, enhance the performance and integrity of applications by detecting the effective tactics.

  1. Energy-Efficient Cloud Data Centers


While preserving the performance, decrease energy usage in cloud data centers by exploring the techniques.

Main areas:

  • DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling).
  • Server consolidation and virtualization algorithms.
  • Energy-efficient scheduling and resource utilization.


  • Energy Management Methods: For cloud data centers, analyze and choose appropriate and best energy-efficient methods.
  • Simulation Configuration: Use the potential of energy tracking to set up cloud data center simulation.
  • Algorithm Deployment: In the simulation platform, execute energy-efficient techniques.
  • Assessment: Evaluate the performance implications and energy usage.

Predicted Result:

Without impairing the performance, decrease energy usage in cloud data centers by suggesting efficient algorithms.

  1. Blockchain-Based Access Control in Cloud Computing


To improve security and clarity in cloud platforms, an effective blockchain-oriented access control system should be executed.

Main areas:

  • Data reliability and Transparency.
  • Smart contracts for automated policy implementation.
  • Decentralized access control with the use of blockchain.


  • Blockchain Technology Analysis: Carry out an extensive study on blockchain mechanisms and its usage in access management.
  • System Model: By using smart contracts and blockchain, develop an access management application.
  • Deployment: A system has to be modeled and synthesized with a cloud simulation platform.
  • Verification: Diverse access conditions required to be simulated. Assess the performance and security.

Predicted Result:

For cloud computing platforms, create secure, clear and decentralized access control applications.

  1. Real-Time Data Processing in Edge-Cloud Architecture


Improve actual-time data processing capacities by investigating the synthesization of edge computing and cloud models.

Main areas:

  • Latency reduction algorithms.
  • Hybrid edge-cloud models.
  • Data processing at the edge versus the cloud.


  • Architecture Model: Primarily for real-time data processing, develop a hybrid edge-cloud model.
  • Simulation platform: Use CloudSim and edge computing simulators to build simulation platforms.
  • Deployment: Data processing workflows and latency reduction algorithms should be utilized.
  • Assessment: The functionalities and latency optimization has to be evaluated.

Predicted Result:

For real-time applications, the advantages and involved issues of synthesizing edge computing with cloud models can be detected.

  1. QoS-Aware Service Orchestration in Cloud Environments


In cloud platforms, this project requires the design and assessment QoS (Quality of Service) (QoS)-aware service orchestration technologies.

Main areas:

  • Service orchestration and automation.
  • QoS metrics and SLA management.
  • Performance tracking and modifications.


  • QoS Requirements Analysis: As reflecting on cloud services, significant QoS metrics and SLA required to be detected.
  • Orchestration Algorithm Creation: For QoS-aware service orchestration, productive techniques must be created.
  • Simulation: With the use of CloudSim, execute and simulate the orchestration techniques.
  • Performance Assessment: While preserving QoS, assess the potential of techniques.

Predicted Result:

In order to assure adherence with QoS demands, effective service orchestration technologies could be suggested.

  1. Disaster Recovery Strategies in Cloud Computing


Specifically for cloud computing settings, explore and execute disaster recovery tactics.

Main areas:

  • Failover technologies.
  • Disaster recovery planning and automation.
  • Backup and replication tactics.


  • Disaster Recovery Techniques: Perform a detailed research on modern disaster recovery algorithms and policies.
  • Simulation Configuration: To simulate disaster events, set up a cloud platform in CloudSim.
  • Strategy Deployment: Diverse disaster recovery plans must be executed.
  • Assessment: In the process of decreasing spare time and data loss, examine and assess the capacity of the policies.

Predicted Result:

On the basis of cloud settings, detect and suggest strong disaster recovery tactics.

  1. Privacy-Preserving Data Analytics in Cloud Computing


      For privacy-preserving data analytics in cloud platforms, design effective methods.

Main areas:

  • Homomorphic encryption.
  • Secure multi-party computation.
  • Differential privacy.


  • Privacy Techniques Review: Current privacy-preserving algorithms which are appropriate for cloud data analytics must be explored.
  • Framework Design: Particularly for privacy=preserving data analytics, develop an effective model.
  • Deployment: In a cloud simulation platform, execute a model.
  • Assessment: While facilitating the data analytics, maintain the secrecy by examining the capability of models.

Predicted Result:

 To conduct impactful analytics, design an extensive model which balances data secrecy and capability.

  1. Cloud-Based Big Data Processing


Considering the cloud applications, the performance of big data processing models should be enhanced.

Main areas:

  • Adaptability and performance optimization.
  • Cost efficiency.
  • Big data frameworks such as Hadoop and Spark.

How to write Data Analysis in cloud computing?

In this article, we offer a systematic guideline along with instances in the motive of assisting you to write an effective data analysis section. Consider the following procedure in a crucial manner:

  1. Introduction

The main objective of data analysis must be exhibited in a detailed manner. With this analysis, address what you intend to attain and in what way it suits your research goals.


In a cloud computing platform, the functionalities of three resource utilization techniques Max-Min, Round Robin and Min-Min techniques are assessed, as it is the main goal of data analysis. For enhancing the resource utilization, it specifies the most efficient techniques through this analysis which concentrates on significant performance metrics   like cost-efficiency, CPU allocation and latency.

  1. Data Collection

The data collection process needs to be outlined. Configurations, tools and techniques which are deployed for data collection should be explained.


With the use of CloudSim, data could be accumulated. CloudSim is a prevalent computing simulation tool. Data center with 50 (VMs) virtual machines and 500 cloudlets are incorporated in a simulation platform which exhibits tasks. Based on diverse scenarios of load densities like high, low or medium and performance metrics such as latency, documented expenses for each condition and CPU allocation, verify each resource utilization techniques.

  1. Data Preparation

To train the data for analysis like standardization, transformation and cleaning, illustrate the preprocessing measures which are taken.


Clean the gathered data by separating discrepancies or outliers, before the analysis process. To examine each metrics whether they are on a comparative scale, data should be standardized. For the purpose of assuring the authenticity and integrity of the future analysis, this preprocessing measure is very significant.

  1. Analytical Methods

The deployed algorithms and techniques for evaluating the data required to be explained. Employed techniques, statistical verification and software tools must be incorporated.


For specific techniques, outline the significant performance metrics through the descriptive statistics which are utilized in analysis. If there are mathematically crucial dissimilarities, specify it with the use of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) in addition. Use Python to carry out data analysis with some libraries like SciPy for statistical examination and Pandas for data manipulation.

  1. Results

Findings of your analysis required to be exhibited here. Explicitly describe the results with the help of graphs, charts and tables. On the basis of your research goals, each result must be described.

Sample Format:

  • CPU Allocation

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | 75%          | 82%             | 85%       |

| Min-Min     | 80%          | 85%             | 88%          |

| Max-Min     | 78%          | 83%             | 86%        

Across each workload’s condition, Min-Min determines the maximum allocation. As compared to Max-Min and Round Robin, it reflects high-level resource consumption.

  • Response Time

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | 150 ms       | 180 ms          | 210 ms        |

| Min-Min     | 140 ms       | 170 ms          | 200 ms        |

| Max-Min     | 160 ms       | 190 ms          | 220 ms        |

Specifically under superior load densities, Min-Min attains the minimal response time systematically. In preferring the smaller tasks, its capability is emphasized.

  • Cost Efficiency

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | $200         | $250            | $300          |

| Min-Min     | $180         | $230            | $280          |

| Max-Min     | $190         | $240            | $290          |

In the case of its effective resource allocation, Min-Min requires minimum cost compared to others, as it is the most affordable and effective technique.

  1. Interpretation of Results

According to your research goals, understand the findings. The impacts of your results must be addressed and examined in what manner it offers beneficial insights to the domain of cloud computing.


In terms of cost effectiveness, latency and CPU allocation, Min-Min is reflected as the optimal approach in analysis than Max-Min and Round robin. Especially for cloud platforms Min -Min algorithm is very suitable, which mostly prefers smaller tasks that enables for rapid task completion and dynamic resource management. In cloud computing settings, this result recommends that the functionalities of systems is crucially enhanced with the application of Min-Min algorithm.

  1. Comparison with Existing Literature

Your results should be contrasted with modern literature. Identities, offerings and dissimilarities which your analysis outperforms to the current literature must be emphasized.


 For diverse load densities, the potential of Min-Min is reflected through the findings of this analysis which coordinates with prior literature. As compared to other researches, it completely concentrated on response time and the economic advantages of deploying Min-Min is significantly emphasized. On cloud resource utilization, this extensive assessment offers beneficial information and a global approach of algorithm’s merits to the literature.

  1. Limitations

In your analysis, recognize the constraints which might implicate the evaluation of your findings.


Reliance on simulation data is considered as a major issue of this research. Because, it does not indicate the entire complications of real-world cloud platforms. This research does not include other major resource allocation methods, and examines only three methods. Practical verification and investigation of wide range of techniques are must be encompassed in upcoming analysis

  1. Conclusion

The main result and its impacts have to be outlined. Depending on your analysis, offer recommendations for upcoming studies.


Especially in heterogeneous platforms, the high-level performances of the Min-Min techniques in cloud resource utilization are clearly determined through the data analysis. The result of the analysis proposes that the Min-Min algorithm is the best approach for decreasing the latency, expenses and optimizing the resource allocation. To enhance the resource utilization of various cloud workloads in forthcoming areas, integrate the capacity of Min-Min and Max-Min by investigating the hybrid techniques.

Instance of a Full Data Analysis Section

### Data Analysis

#### 1. Introduction

In a cloud computing platform, the functionalities of three resource utilization techniques Max-Min, Round Robin and Min-Min techniques are assessed, as it is the main goal of data analysis. For enhancing the resource utilization, it specifies the most efficient techniques through this analysis which concentrates on significant performance metrics   like cost-efficiency, CPU allocation and latency.

#### 2. Data Collection

With the use of CloudSim, data could be accumulated. CloudSim is a prevalent computing simulation tool. Data center with 50 (VMs) virtual machines and 500 cloudlets are incorporated in a simulation platform which exhibits tasks. Based on diverse scenarios of load densities like high, low or medium and performance metrics such as latency, documented expenses for each condition and CPU allocation, verify each resource utilization techniques.

#### 3. Data Preparation

Clean the gathered data by separating discrepancies or outliers, before the analysis process. To examine each metrics whether they are on a comparative scale, data should be standardized. For the purpose of assuring the authenticity and integrity of the future analysis, this preprocessing measure is very significant.

#### 4. Analytical Methods

For specific techniques, outline the significant performance metrics through the descriptive statistics which are utilized in analysis. If there are mathematically crucial dissimilarities, specify it with the use of ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) in addition. Use Python to carry out data analysis with some libraries like SciPy for statistical examination and Pandas for data manipulation.

#### 5. Results

##### 5.1 CPU Utilization

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | 75%          | 82%             | 85%       |

| Min-Min     | 80%          | 85%             | 88%          |

| Max-Min     | 78%          | 83%             | 86%        

Across each workload’s condition, Min-Min determines the maximum allocation. As compared to Max-Min and Round Robin, it reflects high-level resource consumption.

5.2       Response Time

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | 150 ms       | 180 ms          | 210 ms        |

| Min-Min     | 140 ms       | 170 ms          | 200 ms        |

| Max-Min     | 160 ms       | 190 ms          | 220 ms        |

Specifically under superior load densities, Min-Min attains the minimal response time systematically. In preferring the smaller tasks, its capability is emphasized.

5.3       Cost Efficiency

| Algorithm   | Low Workload | Medium Workload | High Workload |


| Round Robin | $200         | $250            | $300          |

| Min-Min     | $180         | $230            | $280          |

| Max-Min     | $190         | $240            | $290          |

In the case of its effective resource allocation, Min-Min requires minimum cost compared to others, as it is the most affordable and effective technique.

#### 6. Interpretation of Results

In terms of cost effectiveness, latency and CPU allocation, Min-Min is reflected as the optimal approach in analysis than Max-Min and Round robin. Especially for cloud platforms Min -Min algorithm is very suitable, which mostly prefers smaller tasks that enables for rapid task completion and dynamic resource management. In cloud computing settings, this result recommends that the functionalities of systems is crucially enhanced with the application of Min-Min algorithm.

#### 7. Comparison with Existing Literature

For diverse load densities, the potential of Min-Min is reflected through the findings of this analysis which coordinates with prior literature. As compared to other researches, it completely concentrated on response time and the economic advantages of deploying Min-Min is significantly emphasized. On cloud resource utilization, this extensive assessment offers beneficial information and a global approach of algorithm’s merits to the literature.

Cloud Computing Research Topics

Cloud Computing Research Projects Topics & Ideas

We will employ the latest algorithm for every Cloud Computing project. Direct utilization of any algorithm will be avoided, as we will tailor each step to suit our needs. Rest assured, your work will be handled exclusively by experienced professionals, ensuring a 100% success rate. Additionally, our team of world-class certified experts will offer exceptional practical training sessions, enabling you to achieve research success. Feel free to contact us and embark on your journey towards success.

  1. An energy preserving and fault tolerant task scheduler in Cloud computing
  2. Study on Energy Minimization Data Transmission Strategy in Mobile Cloud Computing
  3. Internet of Things (IOT) and Cloud Computing in Hybrid Organisations using Monitoring Systems
  4. An Efficient Approach for Multi-tenant Elastic Business Processes Management in Cloud Computing Environment
  5. DisCO: A distributed and concurrent offloading framework for mobile edge cloud computing
  6. Cloud computing for monitoring and controlling of distributed energy generations
  7. An efficient approach of trigger mechanism through IDS in cloud computing
  8. Generation and Optimization of Elastic Extension Rules Based on Cloud Computing
  9. Massive Cloud Computing and Multimedia Framework for Modern Inventive Talent Guiding
  10. A dynamic load balancing strategy for cloud computing platform based on exponential smoothing forecast
  11. An algorithm of apriori based on medical big data and cloud computing
  12. Cost-effective scheduling precedence constrained tasks in cloud computing
  13. Task scheduling algorithm based on Pre-allocation strategy in cloud computing
  14. A Dynamic Secure Group Sharing Framework in Public Cloud Computing
  15. Using a Fine-Tuning Method for a Deep Authentication in Mobile Cloud Computing Based on Tensorflow Lite Framework
  16. Automatic Medication Dispensing System using Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing
  17. EpiCare — A home care platform based on mobile cloud computing to assist epilepsy diagnosis
  18. Detecting DDoS attacks in cloud computing using ANN and black hole optimization
  19. Chaotic symbiotic organisms search for task scheduling optimization on cloud computing environment
  20. Unsupervised outlier detection technique for intrusion detection in cloud computing
Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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