Named Data Networking Simulator

Named Data Networking Simulator

Named Data Networking (NDN) is defined as revolutionary network architecture to solve existing IP address problems in a traditional network. NDN works on the principle of receiver-based communication which interchanges data and interest packets. These two packets hold a hierarchical-naming structure with the IP address

From this article, you can gain knowledge on simulation environment configuration and designing techniques for best results in statistical analysis using an appropriately named data networking simulator!!!

Background of NDN

Now, we can see the context information of NDN. The components attached to the NDN network are addressed as NDN nodes. And, every node holds information of content store (CS), pending interest table (PIT), and forwarding information base (FIB) for representing data structure. In this, the CS table saves the temporary packet information to enhance interest satisfaction delay (ISD). On the whole, these three entities play a major role in content distribution and retrieval in the NDN model. 

  • Pending Interest Table (PIT)
    • Records the information of pending interest with its source
  • Forwarding Information Base (FIB)
    • Manage the information of forwarding routes and packets
  • Content Store (CS)
    • Temporary buffer memory for the router to store packet information

In the above list, we have given the basic operation of PIT, FIB, and CS components in the NDN model. Due to the NDN’s new architecture, it is hard to design infrastructure. So, one should be more aware of designing NDN architecture. So, here you can see in what way the NDN’s new architecture is designed and what are factors are used to enhancing the NDN performance

How to design NDN architecture?

  • Competitive and Custom-based
    • However existing system make us to realize “no neutral in architecture”, NDN attempts to provide competition and customization in architecture design
  • NDN Designing Principles
    • NDN comprises the design principles of existing host IP-based network but follows “data name” naming functions.
    • So, it is easy to recognize the node and make application robust against network failures.
    • Further, NDN enable to enlarge the design principle
  • Forwarding Plane and Routing
    • Two important parallel processes of internet development are forwarding plane and routing
    • Perform the parting of forwarding plane in same time of network routing
    • For achieving best results, it follows efficient forwarding and routing technology in NDN design phase
  • Traffic flow of Network Load
    • Stabilize the network traffic load through self-regulated flow-balanced data distribution
    • In existing IP system, it uses transport protocols and open-loop data distribution for offering unicast traffic balance
  • Security
    • In order to ensure the security over network content, it employs digital signature techniques
    • In this, it enforces data producer to sign over generated named content before distribution
    • Then, allow only legal users to receive the content

We hope that now you get a clear picture of NDN architecture. From the above-illustrated points. Now we can see few essential requirements for simulating NDN models. In other words, analyze the basic needs of the practical execution of your handpicked research topic in the NDN field. Here, we have covered only a few aspects in the below list and further, you have other specific requirements based on your project. Once you make contact with us, we help to recognize the other important aspects that you need concern for your project using Named Data Networking Simulator

Implementing Named Data Networking Simulator Research Projects

Important Requirements for NDN Simulation

  • Hands-over Control
    • Due to the drastic mobility nature, the nodes may change their locations out of the network coverage
    • So, it is essential to manage the irregular network connectivity through reliable hands-over policies in heterogeneous networks
  • Coverage of RF (Radio Frequency)
    • The coverage of RF must be consistent during the course of content distribution in network
    • Also, it should be robust against signal attenuation, obstacle and fading
  • Reliable and Real-time Network Connectivity
    • Network connectivity should be robust, trustable and secure in real-time emergency situation (particularly in dense region)
  • Interference Control
    • Basically, the network interference majorly happens because of availability of numerous WAP
    • Therefore, WAP is need to reduce in both internal and external network for maximizing throughput and network capacity
  • Multimedia Services
    • The content distribution of network should support various form of services and data
    • For instance: video streaming, voice transmission etc.

The next step of simulation requirement collection is simulator tool selection. Make sure that your handpicked tool meets all the requirements of your project development. For that, first, focus on the requirements of NDN architecture design. Then, focus on your specific functional requirements to implement your research techniques/algorithms in Named Data Networking Simulator. Next, analyze whether the following key requirements are fulfilled. Once, all the requirements are satisfied then choose your best-fitting simulation tool.

How to choose the best simulation tool for NDN projects?

  • Confirm with scalability support for huge-scale simulation
  • Check whether the simulation tool is commercial or non-commercial for assessing development and  deployment cost
  • Analyze the ability to support all essential NDN protocol operations
  • Verify the platform interoperability to support different packet analysis tools real CCNx traffic measurements and traces
  • Investigate the support of network-layer for conducting data caching, routing, traffic control, packet forwarding trials

We usually choose a simulator that offers different helper classes and reference applications for assessing NDN protocol and methods in various scenarios /aspects. And, we also consider other supporting modules of tools that can handle modern techniques. Further, we also consider the following points in designing NDN infrastructure for simulation

How do we work for NDN simulation?

  • Provide user-friendly environment for fast NDN simulation without using add-on developments specifically for resource-constrained devices in wireless network
  • Give actual behavior of NDN communication protocol in both system and network levels for accurate evaluation
  • Test and Validate the techniques used for packet processing. For instance: compression
  • Assess the performance of network components in various scenarios / topology

Next, we can see the supporting simulators for designing and developing named data network projects. To select appropriate code development tools, we analyze and compare thoroughly supporting libraries, modules, packages, toolboxes, etc. Through this review, we will identify an apt tool for your research. The apt tool is identified by the characteristics and capabilities analysis of different tools. 

Simulation Tools for Named Data Networking

  • CCNPL-Sim
  • ndnSIM (NS3)
  • ccnSim
  • NDNSim
  • Omnet++
  • NS2
  • And many more

From the above list, we have selected NDNSim and NDNOMNeT tools for illustration purposes. Firstly, now we can see the open-source Named Data Networking Simulator (NDNSim) which supports in NS3 tool. It supports the implementation of both wired and wireless networks. It has the ability to incorporate ndn-cxx library, and NDN forwarding daemon (NFD), and ndn prototypes. Now, we can see how the NDN network environment is created using NDNSim followed by installation. 

Based on scratch folder in NS-3

  • 1 scenario per .cc file
    • cd ndnSIM/ns-3
    • create scratch/
    • ./waf
    • ./waf –run new_scenario
  • Numerous .cc files /scenario
    • cd ndnSIM/ns-3
    • mkdir scratch/new_scenario
      • create scratch/new_scenario/
      • create scratch/new_scenario/
    • ./waf
    • ./waf –run new_scenario

Installation of ndnSIM (based on individual repository)

  • Install NS-3 and ndnSIM by following commands
    • cd ndnSIM/ns-3
    • sudo ./waf install
  • create a project in the name of “new_scenario”
  • cd new_scenario
  • create extensions (any .h or .cc files) in extensions/
    • create extensions/
  • create scenarios in scenarios/
    • create scenarios/
  • ./waf configure –debug or ./waf configure (if ndnSIM/NS-3 is optimized)
  • ./waf
  • ./waf –run=first_test_scenario
    • Or directly: ./build/first_test_scenarios
    • Or ./waf – run first_test_scenarios –vis (run visualizer)

In addition, we have given you important characteristics of NDNSim. These characteristics play a major role in motivating developers to choose this tool for their Named Data Networking Simulator project development. Further, we have also included the supported versions of NDNSim in NS-3 tools for your reference. Further, if you need more information, then communicate with our team. We will clarify your queries by providing more input on your requested aspect

Features of NDNSim

  • Support multi-disciplinary platform
  • Data Structure Entities – FIB, CS and PIT
  • Languages – Python and C++
  • Enable huge-scale network design and test
  • Support real execution by integrating NFD and ndn-cxx without changing code
  • Provide extensive documentation
  • Comprises large set of helpers and interfaces  for traffic analysis and flow control
  • Supported Versions
    • ndnSIM-2.4 (enable in NS-3.27)
    • ndnSIM-2.5 (enable in NS-3.27)
    • ndnSIM-2.6 (enable in NS-3.28)
    • ndnSIM-2.7 (enable in NS-3.29)

Next, we can see about sample scenario of NDN model. In above section, we have already given you software installation procedure. Once the installation was successfully completed then creates the sample scenario and executes them to realize the workflow of NDN. In order to help you here we have given the possible implementation scenarios, scenario creation procedure and scenario implementation procedure. So, just make a try for your better understanding.

Implementation Scenarios                                

  • Support heterogeneous and homogeneous scenarios
  • Allow to develop network layer model over data-link, transport and network layers
    • Data-link layer – CSMA, point-to-point, etc.
    • Transport Layer – UDP and TCP
    • Network Layer – Ipv6 and IPv4

Scenario Creation

  • Filename
    • scenarios/ (Python)
    • scenario/ (C++)
  • Topology
    • 10Mbps links / 10ms latency
    • 1 provider and 1 client
    • 3×3 grid topology
  • NDN Metrics
    • Cache LRU with 100 times on every node
    • Interest forwarding policy – BestRoute
    • Utilize global routing controller to determine FIB

Scenario Implementation

  • Step 1 – Add required modules
    • For instance:
      • #include “ns3/core-module.h”
      • #include “ns3/network-module.h”
      • #include “ns3/point-to-point–module.h”
      • #include “ns3/point-to-point–grid.h”
      • #include “ns3/ndnSIM-module.h”
      • Using namespace ns3;
  • Step 2 – Similar to C++ program, define main() function
  • Step 3 – Set the parameters for required simulator modules as default
    • For example:  P2P network has 10ms latency, 10Mbps bandwidth, etc.
  • Step 4 – Enable overriding defaults values through command line
  • Step 5 – Define topology with dimension
    • For instance: 3×3 grid structure
  • Step 6 – Define parameter logging, Make and install schedule apps and networking stacks
  • Step 7 – Define stop time of simulation
  • Step 8 – Run / Execute simulation

Secondly, now we can see about the Named Data Networking Simulator framework which supports in OMNeT++ tool. It also supports the development of both wired and wireless networks. Majorly, it is widely used for simulating internet of things applications and services. Further, here we have given you some key characteristics about NDNOMNeT for implementing NDN projects. Similarly, we also support you in other emerging and best-result yielding named data network simulation tools


  • Support academics to build and simulate NDN models
  • Prolonged from OMNeT++ tool for NDN support in IoT environs
  • Specifically used for modeling gateways and low-end devices in IoT
  • Main objective is to efficiently perform forwarding strategies for constrained wireless communication
  • In implementation, it incorporates different modules, interfaces and directories
    • For instance:
      • NdnL3 – NDN core module for network layer
      • INetworkLayer – Network layer interface used in INET framework
      • Directories
        • src/inet/networklayer/contract/ndn
        • examples/ndn
        • /src/inet/applications/ndnApps
        • src/inet/networklayer/ndn
        • src/inet/node/ndn

Our technical professionals are passionate to work with advanced technologies in default. So, we collect all possible research opportunities to provide innovative research notions from a futuristic point of view. Further, we also support your interested research opinions for further development. Below, we have specified a few important research ideas collected from our repository of current research areas.

Research Ideas in NDN

  • Dynamic Moving Vehicular Network Assessment
  • Application-level Assessments
    • Modeling and Investigating of ChronoSync Protocol
  • Advance DDoS Attack Detection and Valuation
    • Content Poisoning Attack
    • Interest flooding attack
  • Content Caching Assessment
    • New Strategies foe Cooperative Caching and Caching Replacement
  • Network Traffic Control
    • Efficient Development of Queuing Model
    • End-to-End TCP-based Data Requisition and Distribution (host-oriented)
  • Execution of Interest / Content Forwarding Schemes
    • Network actions analysis in the case of prefix black-holing and connectivity failures

Overall, our developers guide you on the right track of project development starting from topic selection to result in examination. Particularly, we also assist you in named data networking simulator selection, unique unsolved problem selection, problem-solving techniques and algorithm selection, and performance evaluation parameters selection. Primarily, our developers also have strong mathematical analysis skills to develop new algorithms in the case of complexity. So, we ensure that we help you in all aspects of NDN project execution.

Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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Unlimited Network Simulation Results available here.