WSN Simulator | Wireless Sensor Network Simulator

WSN Simulator | Wireless Sensor Network Simulator

What is WSN Simulator? Initially, the simulators are introduced with an intention to simulate the behavior of the wireless nodes and media in WSN. Later it is improved to the next level of simulation. That is, the current simulators enable you to perform detailed design and simulation of wireless media. It helps to attain the abstract features of models, the behavior of nodes at hindrances, and relations among nodes. And also, there are several simulators designed for supporting WSN. In specific, these  

This page shows you the end-to-end information of the wireless sensor network simulator with key functionalities of WSN!!!

           Now, we can see the design of the wireless sensor network simulator. Designing is the most important phase in the WSN simulator. Since the objective of the WSN is needed to be focused in the design phase for effective results and user satisfaction. Here, we have given you aspects that you need to be focused on.

WSN Simulator Design

  • The main objective of the WSN is to offer a developer-friendly environment which completely satisfies the functional requirements of the network 
  • The networks depend on their own tasks which are going to be executed
  • Further, it enables you to set infrastructure, node discovery, node deployment, power control, routing protocols design, etc. 
WSN Simulator Projects

WSN simulator – SENSE 

Recently, WSN is largely employed in the SENSE simulator. This new simulator is used to perform modeling and simulating of the wireless sensor network. For that, it offers sufficient libraries and modules for supporting many communication technologies. Here, we have given you the main user types, intentions, and crucial factors of this network simulator below, 

  • User-Types
    • Network constructor, Network entity designer, and High-lever end users
  • Intentions
    • Need to achieve crucial factors 
    • Need to satisfy the requirements of various users
    • Need to design user-friendly and fault-tolerant WSN simulator 
  • Crucial Factors
    • Scalability, Reusability, and Extensibility

Next, we can see how the SENSE simulator achieve the crucial factors and fulfill the user’s requirements in the following, 

  • Take complete concern over the user’s requirements (for all 3 user types) 
  • Take decisions regarding network design and development based on crucial factors

Once all the intensions of SENSE are achieved, then relate SENSE performance with network simulator based on flooding simulation. 

Initial Node Configuration

In comparison with other networks, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have unique characteristics. Some of the unique characteristics of network configuration, node deployment, and node discovery are given below:

  • Network Configuration – The current computer networks need manual configuration, but here it doesn’t need manual support
    • Basically, wireless sensors nodes have the ability of self-configuring to construct reliable networks on their own in the case of fast nodes mobility
  • Node Deployment – Once the node is deployed, then immediately it is necessary to create the configuration between node and network. 
    • Identify the applicable connection with neighbor nodes through the neighbourhood table
    • This table is useful not only for routing purposes but also for other network management operations
  • Node Discovery – The node discovery process is not only used for node deployment but also for other cases like node failure / new node integration

Routing Strategies

To the continuation of the initial node configuration, now we can see the routing strategies. The process of WSN routing is completely different from conventional computer network routing. Since wireless sensor network has primary characteristics as dynamic nature. Due to the continuous movement of mobile nodes, the node changes its position frequently. So, the node will not have the same neighbors/location all the time. 

  • The standard TCP/IP routing strategies are not efficient for WSN networks
  • So, it is essential to employ new strategies for routing in WSN. In that case, WSN currently supporting one-hop routing and multi-hop routing strategies. 

Our developers have years of experience in handling WSN projects. So, we have familiarity with all kinds of routing strategies and protocols. We are adept to recognize suitable routing methods based on project requirements. Further, we also design new protocols and algorithms in the case of necessity. Here, we have given you the aforementioned WSN routing strategies (one-Hop and Multi-Hop) followed by the routing protocol. 

One Hop Routing 

In this, it uses a centralized node to establish routing for network communication. So, it is popularly referred to as the simplest method among others. 

  • It comprises distributed WS nodes that are constrained with the transceiver’s communication range and battery power 
  • It is efficient and feasible to employ in a small-scale wireless sensor network

Multi-Hop Routing 

In this, it overcomes the drawbacks of one-hop routing and is feasible for large-scale WSN networks. This strategy is different from other techniques

  • Although it is one of the efficient techniques used in MANET and interconnected networks, it lacks in reliability because of WSN routing protocol constraints
  • Since it transfers packets in the order of node-neighbor-neighbor and goes on. This process ends when the packets reach the base station/sink

Routing Protocols 

Next, we can see the routing protocols of WSNs. The conventional routing protocols are similar to the WSN routing strategies. Here, it is fully used for general purposes not applicable for address-based destinations. Further, we have given you the other important aspects of the routing protocols in the below points. 

  • Routing parameters 
    • Locations (Sink and geographic) and Information Gain 
  • Other Routing parameters with respect to lack of address
    • Link Reliability, Node energy, and Node state

WSN Simulator Requirements

So far, we have discussed routing strategies and protocols. Now, we can see the requirements of WSN. The new design of the WSN simulator is intended to include the gossiping protocol and standard flooding protocol as their primary elements. Further, it also has the following objectives, 

  • Build the simulator that meets the requirements of both beginners and advanced users
  • Model and Simulate WSN by means of constrained metrics such as mobility, number of neighbors, power, and transmission range 

Supported Protocols 

Next, we can see the supporting protocols of wireless sensor networks. From the beginning, we are noticing simulator has the intention to fulfill the requirements of all three different users. For this purpose, it needs to improve the functional capabilities of WSN simulation by providing different routing and discovery protocols. For instance:

  • The following protocols are needed to be supported in initial network deployment.
    • Gossiping protocols
    • Flooding protocols 
    • TEEN protocols
    • LEACH protocols 

Node Constraints 

Now, we can see the limitations of nodes to be deployed in WSN infrastructure. Since these limitations have a high probability to affect the network performance. Generally, the WSN is functioned based on application-specific requirements. For example, intrusion detection, region monitoring, video streaming, etc. Further, the network lifespan also depends on the application-specific needs. We are here to direct you on the right pathway by keep consideration on following aspects to reach the expected network performance. 

  • Mobility
  • Power
  • Reliability
  • Transmission Power
  • Network Size 

In addition, we have also given you the key measures of the user interface. Similar to network, the user interface also has a key player role in enhancing network performance and user satisfaction. Since all our network requirements are intended to meet the user requirements. So, consider the following in the WSN simulator

User Interface 

  • Provide facility to users for changing attributes and options that required for WSN network simulations 
  • Designed to serve both researchers and academic users to enhance the visual interpretation of the WSN

Next, we can see the investigation of experimental results in WSN Simulation. The performance of the developed network and node behavior is analyzed in this phase only. Our developers always use best-fitting performance metrics to evaluate the system’s efficiency. Further, we also take effective measures to increase the WSN system/application performance by doing adjustments in designing the WSN model. Here, we have given WSN simulator features in visualizing the simulation results. 

Simulation Results and Analysis

  • Provide graphical user interface to visualize the dynamic simulation reports of different scenarios/constraints instantly 
  • Generate promising network simulation results automatically after execution
  • Give information on neighbor discovery with its impact on network 
  • Make sure to understand the nodes deployment, network topology, and size 

Node Discovery

Last but not least, now we can see the node discovery which is more useful for result analysis in WSN. Assume that, you have a network with 128 nodes. Then, it is simple to visualize nodes arrangements and find neighbor nodes within the specified range. To identify the node, the following operations are needed to be executed.

  • For any technique, initially, the node will send the “Hello” packet to its neighbor nodes and wait for the acknowledgment/response to analyze the response time. Depending on response time, it finds the distance among nodes and speed of transmission 
  • Further, it applies some alteration (add or remove nodes) to improve the WSN network

If the network needs redundancy, then it can add more nodes by increasing the transmission range and coverage area. But, if the number of nodes increases then the power utilization of the network is also increased to communicate with all neighbors. Our experts recommend efficient techniques to optimize resource utilization.

Overall, we give complete support in the wireless sensor network (WSN Simulator). Our ultimate goal is to develop WSN systems/applications that meet your research requirements. Since we are technically strong in working with development tools and technologies. So, we are ready to assist you in any research area of WSN through the WSN simulator. Further, we also extend our service in other tools such as NS-3, NS-3, OPNET, LTESim, NetSim, OMNeT++, QualNet, OPNET, GlomoSim, etc. So, create a bond with us to reach the project destination in the WSN field.

Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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Unlimited Network Simulation Results available here.