The term stands for Long-Term Evolution is an ever consistent field in the telecommunication world. It became into existence especially for the wireless broadband mobile services, and the data stations on the basis of the technologies, UMTS / HSPA and GSM / EDGE. In the world of telecommunication, it was impossible to provide a wireless communication.
5G LTE Network Simulator is the communication technology has reformed as simulate in order to provide fast communication and data browsing for the people of fastest minds and people of busy scheduling works.
“This article is highly focuses on the recent use of the network, its future scope and the importance of the simulator. Through this article, we provide you every features of the simulator in research aspects and our experience and suggestion over the selected topic”
The above mentioned are the vital uses in the communication technology of LTE networks. In addition to that we are trying to implement the LTE network in various scenarios. Besides the uses, we provide you our important modules used for NS3 Network Simulator.
These are the important modules for the simulation. But in this process, we have to assimilate the Veins in to the SimuLTE, which will allow you to perform the simulation process in the vehicular / cellular network communication on the basis of 5G.
The above mentioned models are the important modules of the LTE network. Herewith we provide you the notable classes in the Simulator and its purposes as given below. Along with the modules, we provide you the important classes in 5G LTE Network Simulator.
The above classes are majorly used as the suitable classes of 5G LTE network simulator. Our team is still trying to implement innovative tools to simulate the networks. Besides, here are the major programming languages of the LTE network.
The above languages are essential, while us performing the simulation over the Simulator. These are the languages used for our research purpose. And still we are implementing new languages to evaluate the performance of the LTE Network Simulator. Here we provide you the supporting OS of the network simulator.
And the supporting OS are
5G LTE network Simulator is to perform the process of the simulation, the operating system and the type of system, to simulate is more important. It is even more important than choosing the apt simulator by giving preference to the operating system as a source for simulation.
The above versions are the appropriate versions for the network simulation tools. Here we provided you the sample tools of us using for the research purpose. Apart from those, we have real time simulators for our own purpose. We are even ready to demonstrate it and here are the important protocols
Medium Access Control (MAC)
It plots the local channels to change into the transport channels. It has a HARQ entity for the HARQ operations for both the process of transmitting and receiving the logical channels. The HARQ operation has the following entities,
Air Interface Physical Layer
In order to offer the data in to the higher layer, this protocol interfaces the network’s physical layer. This high level service is provided by accessing the MAC layer as a support for the transport channel.
GPRS Tunneling Protocol User Plane (GTP-U)
It is a set of IP based communication protocol and the prime duty of this protocol is to transport the GPRS among the UTMS, LTE, GMS networks
In this subject, the key procedures of the signal level quality for the current 5G LTE network simulator is achieved by the signals RSRP and the systems RSPQ. The mentioned subjects are considered as an important one to perform simulation. Here are the result analysis of simulator.
In the mobile computing process, the mobile user accesses the cloud server with the help of LTE eNodeB or Wi-Fi entrée. In this process, the mobile users request the data from the UE and the request has been received by their local base station or router, and the data will be transmitted through wired internet connection or wireless network simulation to the respective cloud servers.
With the help of the 5G LTE Network Simulator, we can perform communication in the SDN by sending the packets to the eNodeB and the UE through the gateway. The application server then forwards the packets to the cloud server via the gateway.
With the help of the typical modules of LTE network by dynamically adjusting, we can made the MANET based energy efficient.
With the help of V2X communication, we can achieve the communication among LTE Base station and RSU
The above mentioned result analytics are experimental analysis parameters, which we made for the research purpose. In addition to the parameters, we provide you the subject wise modules for 5G LTE Network Simulator.
Unlike the subjects’ importance in Network Simulator, the Syntax deserves more importance than that. Therefore, we provide you the main syntaxes for the networks. According to the various performance analytics of the 5G LTE Network Simulator, the syntax may change.
module eNodeBBase
@labels(node, ethernet-node, wireless-node);
@figure[applicationLayer](type=rectangle; pos=250,6; size=1000,130; lineColor=#808080; cornerRadius=5; fillColor=#ffff00; fillOpacity=0.1);
@figure[applicationLayer.title](type=text; pos=1245,11; anchor=ne; text=”application layer”);
@figure[transportLayer](type=rectangle; pos=250,156; size=1000,130; fillColor=#ff0000; lineColor=#808080; cornerRadius=5; fillOpacity=0.1);
@figure[transportLayer.title](type=text; pos=1245,161; anchor=ne; text=”transport layer”);
@figure[networkLayer](type=rectangle; pos=250,306; size=1000,130; fillColor=#00ff00; lineColor=#808080; cornerRadius=5; fillOpacity=0.1);
@figure[networkLayer.title](type=text; pos=1245,311; anchor=ne; text=”network layer”);
@figure[linkLayer](type=rectangle; pos=250,456; size=1000,130; fillColor=#0000ff; lineColor=#808080; cornerRadius=5; fillOpacity=0.1);
@figure[linkLayer.title](type=text; pos=1245,461; anchor=ne; text=”link layer”);
//# Node specs
string nodeType = “ENODEB”; // DO NOT CHANGE
int macNodeId = default(0); // TODO: this is not a real parameter
int macCellId = default(0); // TODO: this is not a real parameter
double txPower @unit(mw) = default(100mw);
string nicType = default(“LteNicEnb”);
string interfaceName = default(“cellular”);
//# Network Layer specs
bool hasIpv4 = default(true);
bool hasIpv6 = default(false);
*.interfaceTableModule = default(absPath(“.interfaceTable”));
*.routingTableModule = default(“^.ipv4.routingTable”);
*.forwarding = true;
*.multicastForwarding = false;
//# Apps
int numApps = default(0); // no of apps.
int numX2Apps = default(0); // no of X2 apps. Specify the app types in INI file with x2App[0..1].typename=”X2AppClient” syntax
//# Transport layer
bool hasUdp = true;
bool hasTcp = default(firstAvailableOrEmpty(“Tcp”, “TcpLwip”, “TcpNsc”) != “”);
bool hasSctp = true;
inout ppp; // connection to the Core Network
input radioIn @directIn; // connection to the radio interface
inout x2[]; // connection to the X2 interface
interfaceTable: InterfaceTable {
mobility: StationaryMobility {
cellInfo: LteCellInfo {
//# lteNic modules
lteNic: <nicType> like ILteNic {
nodeType = nodeType;
pppIf: PppInterface {
x2ppp[sizeof(x2)]: PppInterface {
//# Network layer module
ipv4: <default(“Ipv4NetworkLayer”)> like INetworkLayer if hasIpv4 {
ipv6: <default(“Ipv6NetworkLayer”)> like INetworkLayer if hasIpv6 {
//# Transport layer modules and corresponding application modules
// =============== Udp ============== //
app[numApps]: <> like IApp {
udp: Udp {
tcp: Tcp if hasTcp {
// =============== X2AP ============== //
x2App[numX2Apps]: LteX2App {
sctp: Sctp {
// message dispatcher for SAP between application and transport layer
at: MessageDispatcher {
// message dispatcher for SAP between transport and network layer
tn: MessageDispatcher {
// message dispatcher for SAP to link layer
nl: MessageDispatcher {
connections allowunconnected:
//# LTE stack to PHY and network layer
lteNic.radioIn <– radioIn;
//# Ppp interface to network layer connections
pppIf.phys <–> ppp;
pppIf.upperLayerOut –>;
pppIf.upperLayerIn <– nl.out++;
//# X2 interface to network layer connections
for i=0..sizeof(x2)-1 {
x2ppp[i].phys <–> x2[i];
x2ppp[i].upperLayerOut –>;
x2ppp[i].upperLayerIn <– tn.out++;
//# Apps to transport layer connections
for i=0..numApps-1 {
app[i].socketOut –>;
app[i].socketIn <– at.out++;
at.out++ –> udp.appIn if hasUdp; <– udp.appOut if hasUdp;
at.out++ –> tcp.appIn if hasTcp; <– tcp.appOut if hasTcp;
at.out++ –> sctp.appIn if hasSctp; <– sctp.appOut if hasSctp;
//# Transport layer to network layer connections
udp.ipOut –> if hasUdp;
udp.ipIn <– tn.out++ if hasUdp;
tcp.ipOut –> if hasTcp;
tcp.ipIn <– tn.out++ if hasTcp;
sctp.ipOut –> if hasSctp;
tn.out++ –> sctp.ipIn if hasSctp;
ipv4.ifIn <– nl.out++ if hasIpv4;
ipv4.ifOut –> if hasIpv4;
ipv4.transportIn <– tn.out++ if hasIpv4;
ipv4.transportOut –> if hasIpv4;
ipv6.ifIn <– nl.out++ if hasIpv6;
ipv6.ifOut –> if hasIpv6;
ipv6.transportIn <– tn.out++ if hasIpv6;
ipv6.transportOut –> if hasIpv6;
tn.out++ –>; <– nl.out++;
at.out++ –>; <– tn.out++;
lteNic.upperLayerIn <– nl.out++;
lteNic.upperLayerOut –>;
This syntax is majorly structured to perform the configuration process for eNodeB. As discussed earlier, the syntaxes will vary according to its applications. Further, we shall discuss the applications used with the 5G LTE Network Simulator.
To the best of our knowledge, we approach a new technique that controls the 4G network for vehicle-to-infrastructure communications. Rather than an on-board units communication interface, we can perform this case by replacing the interface with economical device like smartphones to detect the interface among the smart phone and the vehicle navigation.
LTE network enables the process of encrypted data transmission in a hash based security.
In this application, the LTE is considered to be the leading in the public commercial radio and in the broadband data connection. In cellular apps, it enables the facility of push-to-talk, HQ video streaming and mapping etc.
These three are our real-time applications in 5G LTE Network Simulator that has wide range of use. Our engineering team is on their effort in discovering innovative applications for the real time. Besides the applications, we provide you the important algorithms in network simulator.
In results in this algorithm will get on the basis of the location of subchannel allotted in an unlicensed band. In this process, the local optimal power assigns the unauthorized spectrum and it is obtained by using this SCA algorithm
It is purposed to serve V2V and D2D communication when a LTE networks is presented. This algorithm is mainly implemented to fix the optimization issues by its MetaHeuristic methods and to increase the sum rate of the system’s QoS requirements
It is a typical scheduling algorithm planned in the knowledge of this solution in order to generate algorithm that differentiates among the M2M and H2H services.
Apart from the above applications, we are discovering some real-time applications in the LTE networking on the basic needs of the users. In addition to the applications, let’s have a look on the implementing areas of the network simulator
In the above major areas we can perform the research. And the research approach in the respective area will prove the best in the result outcomes. Here we provide you the major processes in the LTE networking.
Quality of Service Class Identifier
The radio resource allocation algorithm for the LTE downlink process will be like the source will send the no. of packet to the download scheduler by using the RLC queue. And the Downlink scheduler functions on the MAC layer by using the queues of HARQ, RRC, and RLC. The Downlink scheduler then allocated the packets to AMC, RB allocation, Antenna Mapping in the Physical layer of the network. Apart from the QSCI, Let’s take a look on the major steps involved in packet transmission in the LTE networks.
Major steps in LTE
The entire frame of the LTE link level simulator is as applied in the Vienna LTE link level simulator. These types of simulator have the transmitter blocks in two or more, and generate channel modeling, for receiver blocks of each links. In this case, the feedback channel is executed as delay free and a channel of error-free.
In this 5G LTE Network Simulator process, the PDP channel uses the channel mode to connect the TX and RX by the signaling process. Then get the CSI feedbacks to assesses LTE performance by handling the Coded/Uncoded BER, block error rate and throughput.
Routing in LTE simulator
The above protocols are our sample protocols using for the research purpose. In addition to the exceeding protocols, we suggest you some of the project titles in network simulator. As listed below.
According to the users’ need, the networking reborn day by day. According to your needs, our service is getting better day by day, according to the current needs of the scholars/academicians; their thirst for innovative topic makes our technical team to be thriving on finding new subdomains for researching. We still collaborating the various networks to enable the networking to get its advantages high and getting its acquaintance with the people even closer. By this way, 5G LTE Network Simulator extend our support and guidance over all types of project service, assignment and homework help. In order to get a good experience in your subject or research, don’t miss this opportunity to work with us!!
Technology | Ph.D | MS | M.Tech |
NS2 | 75 | 117 | 95 |
NS3 | 98 | 119 | 206 |
OMNET++ | 103 | 95 | 87 |
OPNET | 36 | 64 | 89 |
QULANET | 30 | 76 | 60 |
MININET | 71 | 62 | 74 |
MATLAB | 96 | 185 | 180 |
LTESIM | 38 | 32 | 16 |
COOJA SIMULATOR | 35 | 67 | 28 |
CONTIKI OS | 42 | 36 | 29 |
GNS3 | 35 | 89 | 14 |
NETSIM | 35 | 11 | 21 |
EVE-NG | 4 | 8 | 9 |
TRANS | 9 | 5 | 4 |
PEERSIM | 8 | 8 | 12 |
GLOMOSIM | 6 | 10 | 6 |
RTOOL | 13 | 15 | 8 |
KATHARA SHADOW | 9 | 8 | 9 |
VNX and VNUML | 8 | 7 | 8 |
WISTAR | 9 | 9 | 8 |
CNET | 6 | 8 | 4 |
ESCAPE | 8 | 7 | 9 |
NETMIRAGE | 7 | 11 | 7 |
BOSON NETSIM | 6 | 8 | 9 |
VIRL | 9 | 9 | 8 |
CISCO PACKET TRACER | 7 | 7 | 10 |
SWAN | 9 | 19 | 5 |
JAVASIM | 40 | 68 | 69 |
SSFNET | 7 | 9 | 8 |
TOSSIM | 5 | 7 | 4 |
PSIM | 7 | 8 | 6 |
PETRI NET | 4 | 6 | 4 |
ONESIM | 5 | 10 | 5 |
OPTISYSTEM | 32 | 64 | 24 |
DIVERT | 4 | 9 | 8 |
TINY OS | 19 | 27 | 17 |
TRANS | 7 | 8 | 6 |
OPENPANA | 8 | 9 | 9 |
SECURE CRT | 7 | 8 | 7 |
EXTENDSIM | 6 | 7 | 5 |
CONSELF | 7 | 19 | 6 |
ARENA | 5 | 12 | 9 |
VENSIM | 8 | 10 | 7 |
MARIONNET | 5 | 7 | 9 |
NETKIT | 6 | 8 | 7 |
GEOIP | 9 | 17 | 8 |
REAL | 7 | 5 | 5 |
NEST | 5 | 10 | 9 |
PTOLEMY | 7 | 8 | 4 |