Mobile Cloud Computing Simulation [Performance Analysis]

Mobile Cloud Computing Simulation [Performance Analysis]

Mobile Cloud Computing refers to the technology which is the integration of Mobile Computing, Wireless Networking, and Cloud Infrastructure. As a result of this combination the mobile phone users, cloud service providers, and network operators, we gain access to a wide range of applications. Advanced and best user interfaces are being developed to execute rich mobile applications on several devices. This is one of the important aims of mobile cloud Computing simulation. This article will provide you with a deep insight into the simulation in mobile computing and we will first start by defining it

What is meant by mobile cloud Computing?

Mobile computing has been developed to provide for Ad-Hoc communication services with portable hardware and mobility and context learning software. User-centric nature of mobile cloud computing is getting advanced in the following aspects

  • Pervasive computing
    • Integration and control of information
    • Lightweight and efficient protocols
    • Edge Networking 
  • Cloud computing
    • Storage communication, sensing, and Computation of cloud services
    • User-centric, isolation and virtualization of security and privacy aspects
  • Novel Applications
    • New applications are being developed based on the following aspects of awareness
    • Context and content-aware
    • Communication and network-aware
    • Resource and services aware
    • Security and privacy-aware

We suggest a concept in which computing is carried out in the cloud and the memory is stored in the cloud as well, and where the display mechanism seems to be a portable phone. All aspects including the prototype of the proposed idea, the technical design of the project including coding and algorithms, with advanced tips on project execution and simulation we have recorded the results for your reference. 

Implementing Mobile Cloud Computing  Simulation Projects

Especially in the above model, the internet access, as well as the mobile phone’s ability to manage a browser, must be trustworthy. You can always feel free to contact us for all aspects of research support in mobile cloud computing simulation. Let us now discuss the applications of mobile cloud computing

What are the applications of Mobile cloud computing?

Mobile cloud Computing finds important applications in many areas like vehicle monitoring, biometrics authentication, analysis of digital forensics, and mobile learning. Furthermore, storage and data processing applications prominently make use of mobile cloud computing both inside and outside the devices (within the cloud). The following are some important aspects that are to be considered to design any applications are associated with mobile cloud Computing

  • Inputs
    • Level of battery and associated parameters of the network
    • Device and applications profiling
    • Mobility of codes and user preference
  • Constraints / Objectives
    • Reduced latency, CPU, and memory
    • Minimal cost, interaction time, energy consumed, and data exchange
    • Maximum performance and security
  • Outputs
    • Configuration of the execution aspects like start local and start remote
    • Migration/resources allocated, etc. 

Are you looking for highly professional and experienced project support in Mobile cloud computing simulation? Then you are landed at the very correct place. We are one of the very few reliable online research guidance providers in the world who have more than two decades of experience in mobile cloud computing technology. Therefore we can provide trustworthy and advanced project guidance in the field. Let us now look into some of the parameters associated with mobile cloud Computing

What are the parameters for mobile cloud Computing?

  • Cloud-based quality attributes
    • System elasticity
    • Service composition and virtualization ratio 
  • Mobile-based quality attributes
    • Resource efficiency 
    • Context awareness 
  • Network connectivity based quality attributes 
    • Latency 
    • Response time 
    • Success rate 

Throughput, reliability, and connectivity of the systems are the other important mobile cloud computing parameters. For specific parameters associated with mobile cloud computing projects associated with your research needs, demands, and objectives you can talk to our experts. We are here to guide you in all aspects of your research. What are the mobile cloud Computing simulation tools?

Simulation tools for mobile cloud computing

Let us now discuss some of the important tools used in Mobile cloud Computing in the following


  • It comes with a full set of functionality for sophisticated simulation situations, starting from basic task runs on contracted computer resources through cost estimation and capacity backdrop loading. It is primarily focused on IaaS, but it may easily be expanded to accommodate other models like PaaS, DaaS, and TaaS.
  • Our designers developed a mobile computing project using the grounds.
  • Migrating mobile apps beyond restricted mobile systems to the cloud is what Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is all about.
  • The development process of cellular cloud computing, which is used to simulate a platform’s functionality in a cloud system, is critical in this program before moving on with real-world deployment.
  • The programmer could conduct testing regularly in a simulated, manageable, and cost-effective context at this stage, ensuring a pane and bug-free software that can be launched seamlessly in a real-time mobile cloud system.

OCT (Open Cloud Testbed) 

  • Presently, it’s set up as a relatively small testbed.
  • It’s used to create cloud computing environments and applications.
  • Using the Open Cloud Testbed platform, we construct mobile cloud-based computing projects
  • We describe a new architecture and execution of MobiCloud, a spatial mobile cloud infrastructure, within this research.
  • Geo-distributed mobile cloud computing (GMCC) is a new way of doing things for mobile cloud computing that incorporates geolocation data.
  • Clients can just use GMCC to utilize clouds’ memory and computational resources that are proximate to any portable devices physically
  • We identify XSS and CSRF intrusion attempts in the cloud system throughout this communication.


  • It’s a CloudSim version with such a flexible connection and generic application architecture, allowing for more precise planning and resource allocation strategies to improve efficiency.
  • With NetworkCloudSim, we develop a mobile cloud computing solution in a big hybrid Cloud platform.
  • Our research experts established connectivity among mobile devices in a cloud architecture in this project.
  • Then, on Cloud testbeds, we evaluated the allocation of resources, schedule, and provisioning procedures.


  • The basic goal of iCanCloud is to estimate the cost-performance trade-offs with a particular array of applications running on a specified hardware platform and then offer consumers information about those expenses.
  • To have a detailed study regarding the efficiency in mobile cloud computing, we created this iCanCloud project.
  • We build a simulator including data centers (DC), hosts, virtual machines (VM), Cloud Information Service (CIS), brokers, and cloudlets in this research.
  • Configuring the number of users for a particular simulation is one of the stages in the project. Creating the shared variables and starting the simulations of aspects like trace flag, current time and number of users, and also CIS session creation
  • All the following are tasks and procedures are part of this project
    • Building and activating a data center instance 
    • Developing actual machines (hosts) according to their unique properties.
    • Constructing VMs with their unique properties.
    • VMs are being submitted to the data center broker.
    • Cloudlets are created and their properties are specified.
    • Cloudlets are being sent to the data center broker.
    • When an event has to be performed, a call is made to commence the simulation.
    • Delivering a call to stop the simulation when there are no more events to run.
    • The simulation’s findings are reported.

We have gained huge experience in handling all these simulations tools and are well aware of the associated simulation platforms and therefore we can provide you with all kinds of research help and project support in any of the platforms that you’re using. Get in touch with our engineer in case of doubts regarding mobile cloud Computing simulation. We have gained more than two decades of both Research and implementation experience in the field.

Let us now talk more about the mobile cloud computing parameters,

Simulation Parameters for Mobile Cloud Computing

Check out the website for details on simulation duration associated with certain parameters for mobile cloud computing simulation are listed below

Cloud datacenter 

  • VM cost and source network latency
  • VM energy consumption and average consumption of energy

Fog Clustering

  • Network source latency 
  • Energy consumption and its cost
  • Intracluster network latency
    • Deadline for delivery of applications and IoT sensor-based data sensing intervals
    • Average time for fog and cloud application data processing 
    • Computing power, Bandwidth, and RAM 
    • The number of users of mobile devices and cloud service providers 
    • Mobile device speed, deadline, and energy price 
    • Rate of job arrival, electrical energy, and expense budget 
    • VM initial cost and tandem walking mobility model

So far, we have seen the important properties and parameters used in mobile cloud Computing simulation along with the appropriate values for certain parameters. You can visit our website for all the important aspects of the simulators and their associated parameters. We will talk in detail about the performance analysis of mobile cloud computing

Top 7 Parameters for Mobile Cloud Computing simulation

Performance Analysis of Mobile Cloud Computing Simulation

To get a complete understanding of mobile Cloud Computation we have provided the parameters and metrics used for evaluating its performance in the following

Memory Usage 

  • It is known as the storage amount of space utilized for storing mobile application tasks during and after execution of the task to that of the total available memory.
  • It is also a factor that can demonstrate the efficiency of task processing in both mobile devices and cloud systems.

 Resource utilization 

  • In a mobile cloud computing system, resource utilization is one of the important factors which exhibit improvement of computation time and energy consumed
  • Resource utilization refers to the number of utilised resources of mobile application and cloud computing at the time of task computation
  • MCC system performance is usually measured using the resource utilisation aspect


  • Delay refers to the time taken to process a mobile software along with Cloud data offloading and downloading
  • A delay is often seen in mobile device downloading time, cloud processing time, and off the loading time

Workload size 

  • During load balancing, the size of the workload is being analyzed and used.
  • The goal is to limit the amount of large job load placed upon nodes, data centers, virtual machines, or hosts.
  • Excess or uneven sharing of resources for processing a job can result in a breach of the service level agreement (or SLA) and system crash.
  • In the MCC system, the workload size stands for the entire weight of a running mobile software task.

Computation Time 

  • Computation time refers to the total time taken for implementing a mobile application task within the local and conventional clouds
  • The efficiency is improved only when the execution time by the users and cloud service providers is kept at the minimum value
  • It impacts utilization of resources, consumption of energy, and the overall efficiency

Encryption and Decryption Time 

  • Encryption and decryption duration is a statistic for evaluating a privacy scheme’s effectiveness in MCC
  • It is also the entire amount of time it takes for encryption of a mobile software task at either end of sender and receiver, as well as the overall time it will take to decode a mobile software task at both endpoints.

Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)

  • The PSNR associated with any mobile application seems to be the industrial best practice metric for assessing actual video quality.
  • PSNR is defined as the MSE method applied to both the raw and modified video sequence.
  • Alternatively it can be defined as the ratio of a signal’s greatest probable value (or energy) to the energy of distorted interference that impacts the quality of all its depiction.
  • Regarding mobile applications such as video broadcasting and portable gaming, several inputs have a really broad range which is the ratio of highest and smallest likely values of the dependent variable


  • Goodput refers to the amount of utilizable mobile software tasks that are transmitted from mobile device straightway to the cloud or from the cloud to the mobile device in a specific amount of time
  • The level of application determines the relationship between goodput and throughput
  • It is the total number of packets that are transmitted from and to the mobile application and cloud infrastructure

Transmission rate 

  • Transmission rate refers to the total quantity of mobile application tasks that are extracted out of the cloud and then sent to the mobile device after the task has been processed
  • The total delay in processing is reduced when the transmission rate is very high

Network Traffic

  • Network traffic refers to the messages of mobile application overheads relation between utilized size of network bandwidth in unit time 
  • It is useful in determining the task flow of mobile applications within Cloud Computing networks

Service Quality 

  • Mobile application efficiency and performance is determined using the service quality
  • It is usually used in representing the overall performance of mobile applications and the derivatives in cloud computing
  • Network perception is used in the measurement of service quality which in turn is the direct measure of user perception

Bandwidth usage 

  • Bandwidth usage refers to the amount of data of the mobile software tasks which are executed in a particular duration
  • Bits per unit of time is the basis on which bandwidth usage is measured
  • It is usually represented as the ratio between the percentage of bandwidth used and the total available bandwidth


  • In a mobile cloud computing system with throughput refers to the actual production rate which is the rate at which cloud computing and mobile applications is processed
  • Higher performance of mobile cloud computing system can be achieved only when the throughput is enhanced
  • The performance of a network system is generally measured using throughput

Energy Consumption

  • Energy consumption refers to the processing power needed to execute a mobile software task (at the level of cloud and mobile)
  • Mobile device and cloud resources task processing is utilized to determine the power consumption or usage

Packet loss 

  • In mobile cloud computing, packet loss is defined as the number of mobile application task packets that or failed when transmitting from mobile cloud to cloud and vice versa
  • It happens as a result of disconnections that occur in between the tasks as MD is highly dynamic
  • Packet loss is also faced by MCC due to wireless channels

Our experts are here to guide you throughout the entire span of your research in all aspects of simulation and execution. We give more priority to the refinement of browser design based on the observations recorded in the simulation. Get in touch with our experts to get guided by a world-class certified technical team in mobile cloud computing simulation. 

Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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