What is VANETSim?

          Vehicular ad hoc network is abbreviated as VANET and the VANETSim is denoted as the event driven simulation platform which is particularly designed for the exploration of application level privacy and implications in security based on the vehicular communications. The main intension of VANETSim is the realistic movement in real road networks and the communication among the functioning nodes.

VANETSim Architecture

        Our research professionals in VANET have years of experience in this field and through that experience we have enlisted the structural design of VANETSim includes the four main components such as

  • Post processing engine
  • It is deployed to generate the logs based on the demonstration of relevant events and metrics
  • Simulation core
  • Security concepts
  • Security modules
  • Privacy modules
  • Topology
  • Map support
  • Infrastructure
  • Traffic model
  • It brings the actual simulation to coordinate the traffic maps, structural design of network and the modules based on security and privacy
  • Scenario creator
  • It provides the capability for the users to design the set of experiments and accumulate the configurations in XML files
  • Graphical user interface
  • It offers the graphical map editor and that permits the users to create and manipulate the road maps. The maps are imported through the open street maps and created from scratch
  • It is capable to alter the imported maps and to store that as XML files to facilitate the interoperability with some tools

Modules in VANETSim

        The modules based VANETSim is considered as some predefined privacy and security modules to implement the concepts includes the below mentioned ideas.

  • Mix zones
  • Pro mix
  • Silent period

         The navigations of vehicles are used to determine the destination of individuals that are routed through the A* algorithms and over the communication between the vehicles which can include two types of messages such as,

  • Special purpose messages
  • It is deployed to transmit the appropriate occurrence of events
  • Emergency approach for vehicles
  • Beacons
  • It is used to broadcast the regular information
  • Speed
  • Position

Setting of Simulation Parameters in VANETSim

         The below mentioned are fundamental simulation parameters that are used in VANETSim. In addition, the research scholars can choose any other apt simulation parameters and can get our comprehensive guidance for the VANETSim research project implementation.

  • Range of EDM size
  • 1 to 6 GB
  • Mobility model
  • Shortest path
  • RSU and edge radius
  • 800 m
  • Departure interval
  • 180 s
  • Wireless protocol
  • 11a
  • Simulation time
  • 100 min
  • Distance between two edge nodes
  • 150 m
  • Number of edge nodes
  • 40
  • Number of vehicle
  • 200
  • Trans range
  • 6 Mbps
  • Data rate
  • 2 GBps
  • Network simulation tool
  • Ns3
  • Mobility generation tool
  • VANETSim 2.02

Topical Classes in VANETSim

          The following is about the classes that are used to develop the research projects based on VANETSim. In addition, the researchers can contact our technical experts to acquire some knowledge about other classes based on VANETSim implementation process.

  • ConsoleStart
  • It is one of the significant classes in VANET simulator and it is started through GUI simulator in console mode and with other components through the utilization of this class and then the parameters are listed below
  • simulationTime
  • Simulation time is calculated in milliseconds
  • mapFile
  • Path of the utilized scenario
  • scenarioFile
  • Path of the deployed map
  • gui.DrawingArea
  • It is denoted as the representation of JComponent in all the map elements which are painted and it creates the fundamental system as per the requirements to deputized the renderer class and the parameters such as
  • drawManualBuffered
  • It is set to utilize the BufferdImage to draw
  • useDoubleBuffer
  • It is to set the DobuleBuffering on
  • gui.controlpanels.EditStreetControlPanel
  • It is denoted as the control panel to add, delete and edit the streets and the elements that are created here is for the actions to perform the task and parameters are
  • y
  • It is the y coordinate
  • x
  • It is the x coordinate
  • e
  • It is considered as an ActionEvent
  • gui.controlpanels.EditVehicleControlPanel
  • It is denoted as the control panel to add the random vehicles and for the implementation process. The ActionListener is performing all the required tasks through clicking the JButton and the mouse listeners are deployed to dialog through clicking the colorPreview
  • scenario.KnownRSUsList
  • It is considered as the list of all the road side units to discover the beacons and the Penalties class are totally contrast with this process and that is used to store the information based on road side units. The simple hash algorithm is used with the ID to get the better performance. It includes the parameters such as
  • maxDistance
  • The maximum of distance with the nearest road side unit
  • destY
  • y coordinates the destination
  • rsuY
  • y coordinates the RSU calling
  • rsuX
  • x coordinates the RSU calling
  • destX
  • x coordinates the destination
  • scenario.KnownVehiclesList
  • It is denoted as the list of vehicles that are discovered through the beacons and it is contrast with the KnownPenalties class and that is used to store the data based on vehicles. In addition, it is not a big case but it permits for the extensibility. The vehicles are checked too old for the removed process and the parameters are listed below
  • maxDistance
  • It is considered as the maximum distance of nearest max to call the vehicle
  • destY
  • y coordinates the destination
  • destX
  • x coordinates the destination
  • vehicleY
  • y coordinates the vehicle calling
  • vehicleX
  • x coordinates the vehicle calling
  • gui.controlpanels.MainControlPanel
  • It is used to design and regulate the elements in the right of DrawingArea and the control panels are packed themselves as the JTabbedPane and that is found in particular class. In addition, the changes are available to choosers to the central JFileChooser. The parameters used in this class are enlisted in the following
  • acceptOSM
  • The file chooser is added to select the OpenStreetMap-files (*.osm)
  • acceptAll
  • It is select all files
  • acceptXML
  • To select the XML files

Innovative Research Titles

         For your reference, our technical experts have enlisted the significant research topics in the vehicular ad hoc network simulation process. More than that, we have implemented several research projects based on VANETSim.

  • Secure and lightweight conditional privacy preserving authentication for securing traffic emergency messages in VANETs
  • Multi objective Harris hawks optimization algorithm based 2 hop routing algorithm for CR-VANET
  • Connectivity probability analysis for VANET freeway traffic using a cell transmission model
  • CPPA-D: Efficient conditional privacy preserving authentication scheme with double insurance in VANETs
  • A privacy preservation framework based on biometrics blockchain (BBC) to prevent attacks in VANET

            In point of fact, the research scholars are encrusting and struggling in the process of research topic selection and that is through the lack of proper guidance. Therefore, research assistance is essential for the research scholars to develop their research in proper way. Thus, our research experts in vehicular ad hoc network field are providing the in depth research assistance for the research scholars. In addition, the researchers can reach us to avail and acquire the best research service in all the topical research fields in the academic spectrum.

Live Tasks
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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